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Talking About Tony15 Oct 2017The editorial in today's edition of The Age is headed "We need to talk about Tony".[1] While I quite agree with the opinions in the editorial, I would like to make the following statement: I do NOT want to talk about Tony! I don't want to hear about Tony, I don't want to read about Tony, I don't want to think about Tony. I am sick to death of Tony. So there. [1] For the benefit of non-Australians who may be puzzled by this outburst, Tony Abbott is our former Prime Minister, who won election in a landslide in 2013 and two years later was deposed by his party for being a disaster. At the time he promised his party: "there will be no wrecking, no undermining and no sniping." Since then he has done little except wreck, undermine and snipe. Comments: Jeanette Richmond: Couldn't agree more. He's getting way too much oxygen. Did his speech even get reported in Britain? I couldn't see it in the Times. Jim: Dunno. I don't read Murdoch papers on principle.
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